- Fitness - I bought myself a treadmill back in March, and believe it or not, I used it! I am determined to continue to use it too. I registered for and completed a 5k in November. I didn't run the whole thing, but I did finish and it felt terrific! I will do another one this year. Maybe more than one - we will see! ;)
- Healthy Eating - The Hubby and I decided to change the way we eat in September of 2012. Many of our friends and neighbors began Paleo, and we saw them have really awesome results. So, we researched and decided to do a variation on that, called Primal. The major difference is that Primal doesn't require giving up dairy. We committed to 30 days, and we thought the results were pretty awesome. We both lost weight, gained energy, and felt really good about what we were doing for our bodies and overall health. I was really, really surprised that I didn't miss gluten and sugar and processed foods (bread, beer, sweets, etc) as much as I thought I would. I wasn't miserable like I thought I would be. I felt pretty darn good, so I decided to continue. It is amazing what a difference it makes. I eat plenty of good for me and good tasting food, and that rocks!
- Piano - I started taking piano lessons with G a few years ago, and I loved it. I had always wanted to learn as a child, but never took lessons. I didn't make huge progress, but I can play a mean rendition of Jingle Bells! ;) I had my piano repaired and tuned up in the latter part of 2012, and I tried to practice several times a week so I could shake the cobwebs off! I am determined to continue practicing, and learning. I hope to sign the girls and I up for lessons this year.
New for 2013:
- Sweet Funky Vintage - Sweet Funky Vintage is going through some HUGE changes this year. Jessica's family was transferred to the East Coast, and she decided to part ways with Sweet Funky Vintage. It is a good decision for her, but I will miss her being a part of SFV. With her departure, we are clearing out all existing inventory and you will see really big sales over the next few months. I will be discontinuing trunk shows for now, and will not be putting out a catalog this season. I am happy to say that Sweet Funky Vintage is not going out of business, though. I will still be operating SFV and will continue to offer some new things, and some custom clothing. Look for some really exciting things to coming in the future!
- Blogging - I am determined to really raise the bar with my blogging. I enjoy it - it gives me pleasure, and motivation to follow through with the projects that I undertake! I hope to increase my blog readership and definitely blog more often!
- Self-Improvement - Isn't this the area that most people work on with New Year's Resolutions? :) This year I hope to work a little harder, love a little more, be more healthy, forgive more, celebrate more, criticize less, and have a little more courage to do the right thing. I hope to see myself for who I can become, not for the mistakes I have made, and move forward with hope!
I wish you many blessings is this coming year. Let's rock 2013!

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