We are so grateful for our many blessings, and during this Thanksgiving season, we want to show our gratitude by donating a portion of our sales to two very worthy organizations.
The first is one of our philanthropic partners, Treehouse of Tallahassee. Tree House is located in Tallahassee, Florida, and is a local 24-hour emergency shelter for the abused and neglected children of the area. Established in 1986, Tree House fully owns two undisclosed location homes. Tree House is for children who are 2 to 12 years old, serving Leon County, Florida, as well as the seven surrounding counties.
The primary goal of the organization is to provide the children with a homelike environment. Whenever possible, sibling groups are kept together to minimize disruption. In addition to providing shelter and care, Tree House offers counseling in order to give the children a chance for a “normal” life. In conjunction with these services, they provide child advocacy services to protect the rights of these and all children in the community.
We have also chosen to donate to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. As the majority of our Sweet Funky Vintage staff are Marine wives, it was important to us to introduce you to this organization... The Semper Fi Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit set up to provide immediate financial support for injured members of U.S. Armed Forces and their families. They direct urgently needed resources to Marines and Sailors, as well as members of the Army, Air Force or Coast Guard who serve in support of Marine forces. The basic ideal that drives their efforts is simple: as much as these American heroes have sacrificed, they deserve the best care and support available in their hour of need. Injuries are often severe, and the road to recovery or rehabilitation can be long and costly. Since establishing this fund in 2004, they’ve issued more than 23,000 grants totaling more than $43 million to thousands of our heroes and their families.
So, we would like to partner with you to donate to these organizations. For each and every purchase made through our website - http://www.sweetfunkyvintage.com - during the month of November, we will donate 10% to Treehouse of Tallahassee and Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.
We also encourage you to consider a direct donation to these wonderful organizations!

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