Whew! We made it to Southern California and fortunately, so did our stuff!! We have spent every waking moment unpacking boxes and with only 14 boxes left inside the house, I am seeing the end of the tunnel! I will take a few pictures soon to share our new digs. There are still boxes piled to the ceiling in the garage, and we will get to those soon. Those of you who have experienced multiple moves, you know what it is like to move from one house to another where the new house doesn't have the same number or configuration of rooms, so you have boxes you aren't sure where to put and then once you unpack, you have stuff without an obvious home.
On a high note, I have several boxes worth of stuff that will be sold at our neighborhood's annual garage sale in a few months. And only a few broken items have come out of boxes. Sadly, my piano is now sprouting blue fur, and I am going to have to find someone who refinishes furniture to come out and give me a quote and then go through the claims process with the moving company. The mover wrapped the piano in a blue moving pad, only it was a new, paper-y kind of fabric. And when the truck was driving through the warmer parts of the Southwest, the truck heated up, the finish on the piano got tacky, and the blanket stuck to the piano and parts of the blanket are now affixed to the piano!
We are headed back to the East Coast to fetch our children who have spent the last few weeks being spoiled by the grandparents. The older two were in Wisconsin and the youngest was in the mountains of North Carolina. We are all meeting up in North Carolina, where we will visit my parents for a week or so before all flying back here together to introduce the girls to their new home!!
I will post again soon with some pictures and highlights from our trip West, as well as some pictures of the new house. Stay tuned!!
PS - for all of you who are wondering what Liz is up to, she has been on vacation, doing vacation bible school, preparing for her youth group mission trip to the Dominican Republic, and holding down the fort at Sweet Funky Vintage. So, I don't know why she hasn't had time to blog, do you??!!