Monday, August 29, 2011

Life is a Special Occasion!

As you know, Jessica and I attended the BlogHer convention here in San Diego a few weeks ago. What an amazing day it was. We went to network and learn more about blogging and how it can benefit our business, Sweet Funky Vintage. We attended some awesome seminars and the expo hall was nothing short of amazingly fun!
One of the booths we stopped by was the Hallmark booth. They were promoting a recent initiative, "Life is a Special Occasion". We were invited to take a t-shirt and complete the sentence ... is a special occasion and have our photo taken. Everyone filled the booth with a collage of their sentences - so very cool.

About this new campaign, Hallmark says, "In early 2011, Hallmark introduced a new campaign called “Life Is a Special Occasion.” This is more than a tagline — it’s a call for all of us to push the pause button on the blur of daily life, and think about the beauty of unplanned, perfectly imperfect moments shared with loved ones. Hallmark recognizes these little ‘us’ moments are what make life truly meaningful."

I don't know about you, but I really love this. I love to give cards for no reason other than it made me laugh really hard. And, I love to receive a sweet note from an old friend on a day when I really, really need it. I know that I feel sometimes that I am rushing through life. We always have something scheduled, somewhere we are rushing off to (late it seems) and we are always in a hurry. I really like the idea of taking a break from the rush and the hurry to stop and enjoy each other.

Let's face it, when it comes to greeting cards, nobody says it better than Hallmark.
I encourage you to "like" Hallmark on facebook. They share upbeat messages like today's "When life gets overwhelming, just remember: Somewhere in this great big world of ours is a dog in a funny costume."

Some new things Hallmark has in stores an online are some really neat products for kids to provide encouragement and inspire confidence.
I really like this guy - Bug Em:

You can stuff little notes or surprises inside his pouch whenever your kids need a pick me up. We have a similar Valentine's tradition in our house. A few years ago, I made little felt pillows for everyone with a heart pocket. For the entire month of February, we leave a love note for our family members in their pockets for them to find each day. Bug Em will allow this to continue throughout the year!

Hallmark has some great games in stores right now - affordable and fun games that are perfect for rainy days, road trips and birthday parties. They have also partnered up with Dr. Toy to offer some of the best toys and games on the market today.

So, to help you remember that Life is a Special Occasion, we are joining with Hallmark to award one winner with a Life is a Special Occasion T-Shirt and greeting card pack!
To enter:
1) post here and answer the statement, " .... is a special occasion"
For additional entries:

2) "like" Hallmark on facebook and post a comment on their page telling them Sweet Funky Vintage sent you! Come back here and tell us that you did it for an additional entry.

3) "like" us on facebook and post a comment on your facebook page telling your friends to come enter the giveaway. Come back here and tell us you did it for an additional entry.

4) Tweet about our giveaway and come back here and tell us you did it for an additional entry.

Important!!! Deadline has been extended! Enter now!
Giveaway will end midnight, Sunday 9/11/11. Please post separate comments for each entry. We will draw and post the winner here on our blog, Monday, 9/12/11.

Wondering who won last week's giveaway of the re-usable snack bags for earth friendly kid's lunches??
Congratulations to Sheila from Michigan! Please email us to claim your prize!

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