Friday, August 5, 2011

Favorite Things Friday - Green Tea & Glee

Welcome to the first edition of our "Favorite Things Friday" feature. We will be sharing with you every Friday a few of our favorite things for the week. They may be new products we have tried, places we have been, or music we have been listening to. We would love for you to share some of your favorite things with us too!
Please bear in mind that we are not being compensated in any way by the companies behind any of these favorite things. They are included only because we happen to dig them! :)

Favorite drink of the week...

I am sure you all know what big fans we are of Trader Joe's grocery stores. For those of you that don't have access to a Trader Joe's - we are so sad for you. When you happen to visit a town with a Trader Joe's, definitely make a point to stop and stock up on EVERYTHING! ;)
We are completely addicted to Trader Joe's unsweetened green tea. Yummo. Pour into a glass over crushed ice, and garnish with a sprig of mint from your garden like we do. Repeat!

Favorite music of the week...

Okay, I realize I am totally 2 years late for the party, but I just discovered Glee. Maybe discovered isn't the right word, because I knew it existed, but I just hadn't watched it and figured out for myself what all of the fuss was about! I just spent the last week and a half watching the last 2 seasons worth of episodes. Sigh. The show is a little silly most of the time, but the music... ROCKS! I heart it.
So, I tuned into the Glee station on Pandora and am really enjoying listening to it! They play the glee cast versions of songs, and also mix in the original versions too. So much fun to jam out to!

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