I know - totally sad that we are just now getting around to blogging about quilt market. But, well, no good excuse. Life just got away from us, I guess. But, better late than never, right?
So, here it goes - the last 3 months in super-quick form!
We arrived in Houston, got checked into our hotel and headed off to the Fabric 2.0 cocktail party, thrown by Michael Miller Fabrics and the uber-fabulous Caroline of J.Caroline.
We were able to visit with some great people, including those in the photo above - Paula Prass, and Bari Ackerman.
Liz got to meet Jona, a lady whose blog Liz stalks from time to time! Jona inspired Liz to paint a mirror the most fabulous turquoise color!
We met Project Runway winner, Jay McCarroll, who has designed a fabric collection for Westminster.
The gracious and warm Anna Maria Horner took time to visit with us and sign my copy of her new book, Seams to Me.
Amy Butler was incredibly nice - and incredibly TALL!
Our favorite booth - Paula's, of course! She and her fashionista daughter, Jennifer created a beautiful booth to display her fabulous first fabric collection. We were happy to help in our small way, by creating a few clothing samples to display in her booth. We are featuring several of her fabrics in our spring collection!
Another really beautiful booth was that of Patty Young, a new designer for Michael Miller Fabrics. Her first collection, Andalusia is really incredible, and we are using some of her fabrics in our new spring line as well.
I have to say, though, isn't that pineapple divine?! I really, really want it!
I couldn't post about Quilt Market and not include a picture of my "coffee cop"! I arrived at the convention center and bought an overpriced Starbucks to try to kick start my morning. As I tried to enter the convention floor, this police officer wouldn't let me in with my coffee. I saw other people entering with coffee, but he wouldn't let me in. He explained that they were exhibitors, and they were allowed to bring in coffee, but I was an attendee and I wasn't allowed. I couldn't bear to throw out my full mocha, and one of my fabric reps strolled by right about that time. I explained the situation and asked if he would carry my coffee in for me. He agreed, and we walked through the entrance. (I know... I know... what a rebel, right?) So, I went inside and was standing off to the side of the convention floor, in the linoleum covered area, waiting on Liz to beg a bandaid from the first aid center for her blisters. And, who should walk by, but the coffee cop! He looked at me, and asked me how I got in with the coffee. I told him that my fabric rep felt sorry for me and brought me the coffee. He insisted that I throw it away. I begged him to please let me finish my coffee and promised that I wouldn't move from that spot with it. He said okay, but I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't thrilled with the idea of contributing to my dilenquency. I kid you not, the convention floor was HUGE, and there were HUNDREDS of people there. And, I ran into the coffee cop no fewer than 6 more times that day! At the end of the day, I took this picture so I would remember my Houston "brush with the law"!
You guys are hilarious! An October post totally removes any blog guilt I have experienced. And the Coffee Cop; love it! I have much more to say, so I'll email you girls.
Wow! I had no idea you had left Quilt Market with a criminal record! That cop doesn't even look happy. He's probably thinking "20 years on the force and this is what my career has come to. Dang quilt ladies!"
So much fun!!
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