I love Zinnas. They must be the easiest flower on earth to grow. I planted these back in the spring. They were beautiful until about mid August when it gets so hot in Florida that fire seems cool. In August they bit the dust, shriveled up, brown, ugly, DEAD. But Zinnas, lovely flowers that they are, re-seed themselves! So here they are in October, perky and blooming! I came in from my run this morning (3 miles, high 5 for me) and looked out on the back patio and they were just waving to me...begging in their little flower voices to be cut and brought inside. I had to accomodate them, of course, so here they are in some of my precious pitchers (I have a little pitcher obsession...maybe more about that another time). Ahhhh, what a lovely way to start the day. I hope yours is happy too!
Definitely a nice way to start any day...And of course, I LOVE the polka dot vase- if that goes missing, don't come looking at my house! hee hee.
pretty little pitchers and flowers!!! lovely lovely!
what happened to the other one?
Oh, no, Kim.... She bought that vase when she was out here visiting me, and if it gets stolen, I will be the one doing the stealing!!!
Those are so CUTE! I love the way you put them in those vases and placed them on that table. I live in Florida too so I should try to see if I can grow these. Thanks for the idea!
AW How cute are those pitchers! I love them! AND, I planted those and they didn't come up, AT ALL. I guess they didn't like my soil or my weather. (MS) And I loved the different colors they came in. Glad you had better luck than me! :)
Awesome that you are running! Hubby & I are suppose to be starting that but with him out of town with work ALL WEEK EVERY WEEK, we have been slacking!
A flower that comes back to life!?!? I may just have found the only plant I can't really kill....
fab flowers...love them in little clusters! great work!
don't you just love cut flowers from your own garden :o)
I checked your blog out on my WORKING computer (Unkike the keyless wonder we were on last night)and I took your advise to set up my own blog tonight. I sent the link to Cindy, but don't be too cruel it's my first time. My daughter Julze is your newest model.
Nothing but good things to say about yours though. Loved finally meeting you yesterday.
Oh, and I am with Kim on the vase.
I LOVE zinnias, as well. Unfortunately, my yard is all shade, so I go next door and enjoy my next door neighbors.
Hey go check out my blog for a peek of your clothes. More to follow.
Love you girls!!
i LOVE that pink pitcher/vase. how pretty!
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