Thursday, October 23, 2008

Woo Hoo, acceptance #2!!!

Ok, I can officially stop worrying senior has been accepted to at least 2 schools, he WILL get an education. I know, probably worrying needlessly, but those darn guidance counselors scares the living daylights out of you telling you how hard it is to get into a college!

We are off to quilt market with our cameras tomorrow! Stay tuned for lots of fun fabric and meet and greet with other bloggers!


black betty said...

congrats! that is awesome!

black betty said...

thank you so much for the helpful comment on jury duty. i NEVER thought about that. how long where you there? man, i am so dreading this day... :( i'll fake sick if this runs into friday. i've got halloween parties to plan!!! :D

have a good one...oh, and your clothing is adorable. the red-headed diva needs to sport some of this fabby stuff...