Yes, believe it or not, there are two halves to the SFV team. I am the missing half. No entertaining toddlers here...just a busy second grader and a high school senior. I could tell you some interesting stories about the senior, but most are not particularly family friendly and may cause my teen to leave home and never return due to acute embarrassment.
So, is what we have been up to:
Lily has joined the swim team and had her first meet
Drew is a senior and is applying to colleges...a whole learning experience in itself. Seniors, being the "KINGS" of the school, make crowns to wear at pep rallies and various events throughout the year. We hosted the crown making at our house for a few kids. Lots of fun. They are creative, but don't want to get tooo crazy...isn't it interesting that as an adult, you want to make yourself stand out from the crowd, but as a teen that is absolutely the very LAST thing you would ever want???? I think it's called maturity, hmmm.
And if the kids aren't enough to keep us busy, Sweet Funky Vintage has been having great shows, and show season continues through the end of October. We are planning our spring line, helping out a fabulous fabric designer with her quilt market booth and generally trying to figure out how to get another 12 hours or so out of each day!
I'm here from SITS. I love your little girl skirts and dresses. If I had a daughter, I'd snap one up in a second. ADORABLE! The patterns, the poofiness, just precious!
here from SITS too, love the kate dress ginger, nice colour and pattern! Good luck with your shop, and thanks for the contest.
Hello there - the saucey sisters pointed you out to me. I adore al your materials - esp the arpons - so retro and collectable - fine effort - cheers le
Here from SITS too! I love the aprons. So cute! Are they adult size or child size? Either way they're adorable but I want one for me :)
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