Thursday, October 9, 2008

Big Girl Beds!!!

I have been saving my pennies (and nickles and dimes) to get this bedding from Pottery Barn Kids. I knew that my days were numbered for Olivia to be sleeping in a crib. She will be 3 later this month. Until about a month ago, she was happy in her crib (calls it her "night night") but recently she was become the night marauder. It wasn't unusual for me to put her to bed and as soon as Georgia fell asleep (almost immediately), she would go about her business. She would go into the playroom and turn on the lights. She would go into the bathroom and brush her teeth (with a half a tube of toothpaste). She would roam around the house, and sometimes come into my room (over and over again, usually).
So, it was time to get her a big girl bed.
Georgia had a reproduction wrought iron bed that we purchased a few years ago. I started looking for a bed for Olivia and wasn't having any luck finding something similar for less than double what we paid for Georgia's (out of the question and out of our price range). So, I started looking into antique iron beds. I found a family here in my town that runs a business restoring antique iron beds, and it just so happened they had two matching beds that already had the lead paint removed (a bonus, don't you think?) and were ready for them to paint the color of my choosing. I decided to go ahead and get the two matching beds, and that way I already have a bed for Sophia when she is ready for a big girl bed (hopefully many years from now)! I wanted the beds painted white, so that was easy peasy, and the coolest thing about these beds - no hardware to assemble them. The rails just pop into the head and foot boards like puzzle pieces and they get tapped in with a rubber mallet. The beds came from an exclusive boys boarding school in upstate New York. Can you just imagine? Maybe some Carnagie or Rockefeller slept in those beds once upon a time.
The motivating factor to get the big girl bed right now, was that Sophia climbed out of her crib. And since Olivia's crib was 3 inches deeper, we made the switch. Cross your fingers and wish me luck that the extra few inches keep her in!
Olivia seems to really like her new bed, and she totally loves her new bedding. She calls birds, "lee da lees". I don't know why, but how cute is that?!
The pictures above the beds are from one of our favorite ladies, Paula Prass. Paula and her daughter, Jennifer, make the coolest stuff. We carry a few of their things, including these prints, at Sweet Funky Vintage.

So, what do you think? How did I do with the decorating? I wanted to incorporate the bedding that Georgia was already using with some new stuff, without having to buy totally new stuff for both beds...

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  1. I think it looks great - I want to do the same thing for our girls - but am so scared of what it is going to cost me. I love it all! Great ideas - keep them coming I have a little time before our youngest needs out of the crib - hoepfully!! :)

  2. CU-TTEE! Great job!

    That's so funny you brought that up. I am considering which bed to buy LL, my 2 year old. She's so ready for a big girl bed... it's so fun to shop around too! Cheers!

  3. I just have to comment, I have the same exact iron bed for my daughter. It had been mine from when I was a little girl!

  4. We also have an antique iron bed for my Sophia. It adds such a prissy touch to any room!

  5. Precious room! Love it. My girls will be sharing soon and this is a great inspiration.

  6. OH MY GOSH...I LOVE those beds!! So sweet and perfect. What a great find! I have a brass bed for my little girl and I have been leaning towards painting it a cream color. You have me sold now!

    Also, I use a sleep sack (made by the company Halo) and it is like a wearable blanket for my daughter. They come in cotton or fleece, and I actually just saw a toddler version that would allow the older babies who are too tall for the infant version to still use them. Anyway, point is...they have freedom of leg movement in there, but not enough to be able to get their little legs over the crib railing. My daughter is over two, and has never climbed out of her crib. It's kind of like sleeping in a sleeping bag as far as the freedom of movement. Not sure if you've ever tried these but they are so great for me! :)

  7. LOVE IT! I am getting ready to redo my twin girls room. I think it looks to baby-ish! Pottery Barn bedding is a must - we are doing purple & pink. I can't wait!!!

  8. Oh Missy, it reminds me of Jennifer's room, and now Amelia uses the same bed! The artwork does look great. Thanks for sharing your sweet creation.

  9. Missy-

    It looks WONDERFUL!!!!


  10. Cute blog!!! Love your turquoise mirror too, read about it on Jona's blog which brought me over here. :)

    I think you did a great job decorating their room! We just did big girl rooms with Penelope for our 3 year old twin girls this summer. I chose white iron beds too! Small world!



    I'm still not quite done. I'm in the middle of painting a little dresser in the garage a bit darker shade of green than the accent wall. I'm thinking white polka dots on the front would be snazzy.


  11. Missy,
    The felt birds were from Pottery Barn too. And they are on sale now too!

